Posted by Webmaster on Tuesday, March 13, 2012
- The KARG club would like to hear from anybody from the county that has an interest in Radio Experimenting, or would like to find out what amateur radio is all about. Club members will certainly be able to help you get started, and we can help you get some operating experience using the club station, before you need to purchase any equipment of you own.
- The March club meeting will be held at Muckross Cafe at 11am, on Saturday March 31st 2012. Plans will be finalised for the Marconi Day event. All are welcome.
- KARG was well represented at the recent Limerick Rally, and a good day was had by all. A few purchases were made, so we're hoping to hear more activity from KARG club menbers soon !! Maybe we'll have enough for an 80m net !!
- Reminder - The CQIR contest is happening this weekend March 17th & 18th. Its a good opportunity to put our county on the air once again.
- EI9FVB hopes to operate portable on the 160M and 80M bands over the coming weekend from the Killarney area. It is hoped to be on the air Friday evening/night.
Finally, we would like to wish all KARG members a great St Patrick's Day, and a safe weekend.
That's all for now....