International Marconi Day has come around again. This year it will be held on Saturday 23rd April. As usual KARG members will gather at Colaiste Bhreannain in Ballybunion on Friday afternoon/evening (22nd April) to begin installation of Antenna's and stations. Two stations will be put on the air beginning late Friday night, and it is planned to put a third station on the air on Saturday morning, compliments of John EI9ESB. Take-down will commence Sunday morning early, with a plan to exit the location by 10am or so.

Members who are intending to participate in the event are asked to let Declan EI9FVB or Billy EI7CQB know, as soon as possible, as we plan to put scheduled time slots together in accommodating everybody. We would like to encourage members to participate for any few hours that you can spare, to lighten the burden on others. Any participation will be greatly appreciated, as well as helping with set-up and take-down.  

Officially the IMD event runs from 00:01 to 23:59 on Sat 23rd, but KARG will operate outside of these times also.
Note: QSO's outside of the event times will not be eligible for Marconi Day Award credit.

KARG will use the special EI-6-YXQ callsign, and new QSL cards have already been delivered to the QSL manager.
John EI9ESB has done a fantastic job in creating the QRZ page and sending updates to media sites notifying them of the upcoming event. Billy, Declan and John Walsh also deserve special mention for organizing site approvals and other activities to ensure this event happens again this year. The future of this event depends on your active participation.

It is hoped to operate on all HF bands 160M to 10M, primarily on SSB, but may operate other modes depending on operators available.

As always, visitors are very welcome to come along during the event.