November Monthly Meeting as follows,

Venue: Upstairs Cafe at Manor West Retail Park, Tralee, Co Kerry
When: 30 Nov 2013
Time: 11am (per usual)

Note, this is the last meeting before Christmas.

KARG would like to welcome our newest members, and hope that we will have as good a turnout at the Nov meeting. It is great to see new faces, and I'm sure that KARG will re-energize your interest in the hobby. 

We also had a very welcome visitor, Jim Carmody EI8KB (NN5O stateside) from Texas to participate in the CQWWSSB contest over the recent Oct Bank holiday weekend from Mannix Point.
Our Chairman ensured that Jim was welcomed and not left wanting for anything over the few days. The severe weather conditions over the weekend were no match for Jim's determination in achieving a very respectable QSO count on 10M.

On his departure, Jim made a very generous donation to the club, for which we are very grateful. Thank you Jim.
We look forward to welcoming Jim again next year, all going well.

Anyway as the evenings are getting darker, it means more time for Radio!!!!! so get active on the air.
We would encourage members to call in to the Sunday morning IRTS news on 7.123MHz @ 11am, or 3.650MHz @ 12 noon.
Also the 80M counties contest is fast approaching on 01st Jan 2014, again this is a great opportunity to activate the county.

Til then 73's