KARG members Billy EI7CQB, John EI9JO, John, EI3JR and Declan EI9FVB participated in the 2015 Maurice Collins Memorial Vintage Rally at Banna West today.
The weather was fantastic and the event was a huge success, with many visitors inquiring about the club and the hobby. Many visitors will have got their first sunburn of the season today, as the sunshine was enjoyed all day.
We were delighted to be able to activate WAI square Q72 and Maidenhead square IO52ci

Some photos below of the operating shack. Operating station was IC706MK2G, 100W with Cobwebb antenna for 20-10m bands and 40m home brew sloper. Lots of stations worked from NA, Canada, SA and Europe.
Many thanks must go to the organisers of this fantastic annual event, and to the KARG members who participated to make it such a success.

Reminder - next event for KARG is Marconi Day Sat April 25th...........