The March AGM was well attended, and new committee was elected for coming year. Officers and members are shown on the members page.

KARG members are planning to be active for the upcoming IRTS 2 Metres counties contest. Final arrangements are being made. Contact any club officer for further details.

KARG members are also planning to be active from the original Marconi site at Ballybunion for International Marconi Day, on 26th April 2014. Again all members or potential members are welcome to attend. Please contact any club officer for further details. As this coincides with the last Saturday of the month, the field day will replace the monthly meeting.

Club outings are a great way for anybody considering studying for a license, to learn about the hobby, and to get on the air with the club, using the club callsign, as well as getting support from experienced members.

We would also like to remind you that the club dues are now being taken by Club Treasurer, for the coming year.
The club dues have been decreased this year to encourage new members, in light of the current economic climate.
Club dues are essential to maintain the club events, repeater, license, website and other costs throughout the year.
Paid up members are listed on the members page.
Anybody wishing to support the club in any way but unable to participate in events, are also very welcome.