The September meeting of KARG was held at Killarney on Sat 26th Sept at 11am. This meeting drew a good turnout of members as usual. Items discussed as follows,

1. The article from this years ILLW event, which appears in the current Echo Ireland was very well received, and credit was given to how well and professional it was written. Credit to John EI9ESB, 9FVB and XYL Caroline.

2. Trip to Valentia Coastguard Radio - KARG will take a trip to Valentia coastguard radio station on Saturday 10th October. Members should confirm their interest to Declan as soon as possible (email: horandx at gmail dot com), as carpools are already being planned.

3. KARG Logo - The logo will be finalised very shortly, so that KARG logo wear can be made available to members soon.

4. KARG Christmas lunch - We have agreed to move the November KARG monthly meeting into the first Sat in December, and combine it with a  KARG lunch, at a venue to be confirmed in Killarney. Anyone who has not already confirmed attendance should do so as soon as possible to to Declan or any committee by email, telephone or other means.

5. Raffle for Baofeng UV-5R HT - KARG will sell raffle tickets for a Baofeng UV-5R HT between now and December, with a winner to be drawn at the December KARG lunch. The prize will be available to view at the Oct KARG meeting in Tralee on Sat 31st Oct, 11AM. Picture shown below. This is a 5W UHF/VHF transceiver, which is a very nice prize indeed.Tickets limited to 2 per person.

6. Raffle for paid sub - KARG will have a separate raffle where the winner will have their 2016 sub covered. The tickets will go on sale at the KARG Christmas lunch, and the winner will be drawn at the Jan or Feb KARG monthly meeting. 

As always new members are very welcome to come along to any of our monthly meetings, field days or club outings. These are always very enjoyable, and socialable occasions.