We had a great turn out for the June meeting yesterday. It was one of the biggest turn outs we have had for a while.
Thanks to all that attended.

KARG participated in the recent IRTS 80M Counties contest from a portable location in the north of the county. Billy Ei7CQB and Declan Ei9FVB provided SSB operation, while Tom Ei3AL provided CW operation. While conditions very generally difficult, a good score was achieved, so fingers crossed, will do well.
Thanks to Billy, a sizeable tent was erected, with Tea, Sandwiches and Biscuits also being served, which made for a very enjoyable day combined with the perfect WX.

Plans for the upcoming ILLW (Irish Lighthouse Lightship Weekend) are well under way from our usual location at Cromwell Point Lighthouse on Valentia Island. All members are encouraged to participate in any way they can. It is always a very enjoyable weekend, and is the highlight of the KARG calender.
Again we plan to operated on 80M to 6M bands on SSB, CW and some digital modes. 

KARG also plan to participate in the upcoming 2M counties contest on Sun 24th Aug, and the SSB field day Sat 6th/Sun 7th Sept.

Reminder also that the July KARG meeting, as usual,  will be on Sat 26th July at Upstairs Cafe, Manor West Retail Park Tralee. This is the last meeting before Lighthouse weekend.