Firstly, I hope that the recent severe storms didn't cause any serious damage to any of our members antennas, and that you managed to stay safe. This was one of the worst experienced for many years.

The monthly KARG meeting will take place at the upstairs cafe, Manor West Retail Park, Tralee next Saturday 22nd at 11am. This meeting will also serve as the annual AGM, so all members are asked to attend, as officers for the new year will be elected.
As usual, we welcome any new members that would like to come along, whether licensed or simply interested in learning more about this great hobby.

Reminder, that the Annual Limerick Radio Club Rally takes place on Sunday 9th March at the Radisson Hotel, Limerick. Door open at 11am, and entry is 5 Euro. All usual traders will be in attendance, and Bring & Buy table are included in the 5 Euro entry fee. This is a good opportunity to clear out some unwanted equipment, to make space for more new stuff !

Also, the IRTS 82nd AGM dinner and rally takes place on March 22 & 23rd, at the Galway Bay Hotel. The rally of course will take place on the Sunday per usual.