The AGM of the Kerry Amateur Radio Group (KARG) was held at the Presentation Sport Hall, near the Cathedral, in Killarney at 11am last Saturday 27th Feb 2016. Incoming  officers for 2016 were elected as follows,

Declan Horan - EI9FVB - Chairman/QSL Manager/Webmaster
Billy O'Connor - EI7CQB - Treasurer/Repeater Keeper
John Costello - EI9ESB - Secretary/Repeater Keeper

KARG had a very successful year in 2015, including very successful participation in Public Events, Vintage days, IRTS events, International Lighthouse Weekend and International Marconi day. 
A schedule of events for 2016 were discussed and published to the members, including a potential IOTA DxPedition. Plans for the DxPedition will be firmed up over the coming months. KARG merchandise is now also available, and new KARG jackets were on display at the AGM, which have our new club logo. Jackets, hoodies, fleeces, hats and other merchandise can be booked via Club Chairman, Declan Ei9FVB at horandx at gmail dot com. A new donate button has been added to the home page of the Kerry Amateur Radio Group website to help support of club activities and equipment. Donations should be entered in $ only. This presents a great opportunity for international supporters to participate in promoting Amateur Radio in County Kerry. 

Member dues for 2016 are now due and will remain at ???30 for 2016. 
We would like to thank those that have paid already, and encourage any who have not, to do so, as soon as possible, via club officers or the Donate button on the website homepage. The next KARG monthly meeting will be held at the upstairs Caf?? in Manor West, Tralee, Co Kerry at 11am on Sat 26th March. The Maurice Collins vintage day is scheduled for the following day, Sun 28th March at Banna, Co Kerry. The IRTS 2M Counties contest is scheduled for Monday 29th March, so it looks like a very busy weekend of events for KARG. As many members as possible are encouraged to participate in the fun. As always visitors are very welcome to come along to get a taste of what Amateur Radio is all about!